Friday, April 30, 2010

Live from the Dirtbowl - some lame riding!

I have been digging so much that I haven't really had a chance to ride. The dirtbowl is dug, but the walls are still not packed down. I've brought out the hand-tamp and have some of the sides somewhat packed, but it's going to take a long time. Anyway, here's a frame grab from a little video that I took today.

Nothing says pathetic loner like a video shot completely from the perspective of a camera stuck on a tripod. So, that's just the way it is. I placed the tripod at a couple of different angles and tried to capture the action as best I could. There's a ton of bugs attacking the video camera, but oddly enough, they didn't attack me. The riding is still particularly lame, but hey, I'm working on it. Keep in mind that the walls of the bowl are still very soft and if you do a 'real' jump, your tires will dig in and you'll just go over the bars. Plus did I mention that I'm old?

The video is longish, running nearly 6 minutes. If you endure the full vid, you are a trooper.

Backyard Dirtpark from slamigo on Vimeo.

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